Base de datos regional: Un Resumen Comparativo. Proyecto LAKLEMS-BID. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - LAKLEMS. Documento disponible AQUI |
Resumen de la Metodología y la Base de Datos. Proyecto LAKLEMS-BID. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - LAKLEMS. (VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL) Documento disponible AQUI |
Overview of Methodology and Database.The LA KLEMS-IADB project. Inter-American Development Bank- LAKLEMS. (ENGLISH VERSION) Documento disponible AQUI |
W. Gu and A. Hofman (2021). Methodology for Estimating Purchasing Power Parities of Output and Inputs and Relative Productivity Levels in Latin America. The LA KLEMS-IADB project. Inter-American Development Bank- LAKLEMS. (Preliminary version) Documento disponible AQUI |
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M. Mas y E. Benages (2020). Knowledge-Based Capital in a set of Latin American countries: The LA KLEMS-IADB project. Inter-American Development Bank- LAKLEMS. Documento disponible AQUI |
Mas, M., Hofman, A., & Benages, E. (2019). Knowledge Intensity in a Set of Latin American Countries: Implications for Productivity. International Productivity Monitor, (36), 204-233. Documento disponible AQUI |
Mas, Matilde, André Hofman, and Eva Benages (2019). Economic valuation of knowledge-based capital: An international comparison. Chapter 14 in "Measuring Economic Growth and Productivity" Festschrift Book for Dale Jorgenson, Elsevier. Documento disponible AQUI |
Estimación de la Formación Bruta de Capital Fijo por Sector de Actividad Económica de Argentina, LAKLEMS (2018), Preparado por Jorge Valverde. Documento disponible AQUI |
Base de datos FBCF para Argentina. Documento disponible AQUI |
Hofman, André (2018), ¨Latin America: Economic Growth and Productivity since the 1990s¨ in Deb Kusum Das (editor), ¨ Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries¨, Routledge (Taylor & Francis group), London and New York. Documento disponible AQUI |
Aravena, C., A.A. Hofman y L. Escobar (2018), “Fuentes del crecimiento económico y la productividad en América Latina y el Caribe, 1990-2013”, Economía Chilena, Banco Central de Chile. Documento disponible AQUI |
Hofman, André, Claudio Aravena and Jorge Friedman (2017), “Sources of Economic Growth and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean”, International Productivity Monitor Documento disponible AQUI |
Hofman, André, Mas, Mailde, Aravena, Claudio, & Guevara, J. F. D. (2017). Crecimiento económico y productividad en Latinoamérica. El proyecto LA-KLEMS. El trimestre económico Documento disponible AQUI |
Hofman, A.A., M. Mas, C. Aravena and J. Fernández de Guevara (2016), “LA KLEMS: Economic Growth and Productivity in Latin America,” in D.W. Jorgenson, K. Fukao and M.P. Timmer, eds., The World Economy: Growth or Stagnation? Cambridge, Documento disponible AQUI |
Hofman, A.A., C. Aravena and V. Aliaga (2016), “Information and communication technologies and their impact in the economic growth of Latin America, 1990-2013”, Journal of Telecommunications Policy. Documento disponible AQUI |
Aravena, C., L. Escobar y A.A. Hofman (2015), “Fuentes del crecimiento económico y la productividad en América Latina y el Caribe, 1990-2013”, Serie Macroeconomía del Desarrollo No. 164, Santiago Documento disponible AQUI |
Aravena, C. y A.A. Hofman (2014), Crecimiento Económico y productividad en América Latina. Una perspectiva por industria – Base de datos LA-KLEMS, Serie Macroeconomía del Desarrollo No. 152, Santiago. Documento disponible AQUI |
Aravena, C., A.A. Hofman, J. Fernández y M. Mas (2014), “Evaluating policies to improve total factor productivity in four large Latin American countries”, Serie Macroeconomía de Desarrollo No. 147, Santiago. Documento disponible AQUI |
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Industry Level Growth and Productivity Data with Special Focus on Intangible Assets. EUKLEMS (2019). Report on methodologies and data construction for the EU KLEMS Release 2019. Preparate by Robert Stehrer (Coordinator), Alexandra Bykova, Kirsten Jäger, Oliver Reiter and Monika Schwarzhappel. (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Wiiw)) Documento disponible AQUI |
Growth and Productivity Accounts 2017 Release. Statistical Module EUKLEMS (2017). Prepared by Kirsten Jäger (The Conference Board). Documento disponible AQUI |
Growth and Productivity Accounts 2016 Release. Statistical Module. EUKLEMS (2016). Prepared by Kirsten Jäger (The Conference Board). Documento disponible AQUI |
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Sistema de cuentas nacionales 2008 - Manual (SCN 2008) Documento disponible AQUI Documento disponible AQUI |
Growth and Productivity Accounts, Version 1.0, Part I: Methodology EUKLEMS (2007). Prepared by Marcel Timmer, Ton van Moergastel, Edwin Stuivenwold, Gerard Ypma (Groningen Growth and Development Centre) and Mary O’Mahony and Mari Kangasniemi (National Institute of Economic and Social Research). Documento disponible AQUI |
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